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South Korea, Seoul, Hotel Renaissance

Hotel Renaissance in Seoul 
Campos de aplicação
Impermeabilização interna do porão em caso de umidade do solo não pressurizada e água pressurizada
Revestimento de piso exposto a tensões moderadas
Basement waterproofing (negative side) 
Produto aplicado
Lee Kun Köster Ltd. Seoul 
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Seleccione a referência:
South Korea, Seoul, Hotel Renaissance
Poland, Zgierz, Sewage treatment plant
Bulgaria, Sofia, Office buildings of energy companies
Deutschland, Leipzig, Privathaus
Portugal, Oliveira do Hospital, Codfish Facility
Slovakia, Bratislava, Terno store
Portugal, Oliveira do Hospital, Fábrica de Bacalhau MarSerra
Deutschland, Langwedel, Gewerbeimmobilie
Deutschland, Saarland, Treppenbeschichtung
Deutschland, Aurich, Terrasse eines Einfamilienhauses
Deutschland, Köln, Tiefgaragenversiegelung
Deutschland, Dresden, Tiefgarage
Deutschland, Berlin, Parkhaus Europa Center
Deutschland, Großefehn, KÖSTER Bodenbeschichtungssystem
Deutschland, Dresden, Balkoninstandsetzung
Deutschland, Ludwigshafen, Wohnhaus - Balkonbeschichtung BTG System
Polen, Krakau, Mehrfamilienhaus
United Kingdom, Dumfries, Residential Garage
United Kingdom, Factory Unit
USA, Virginia Beach, VA, Office
Bulgaria, Sofia, KÖSTER Office
Hrvatska, Velika Gorica, Tvornica Gorica Staklo
Latvia, Ventspils, NAFTA Terminals
Latvia, Skriveri
Latvia, Ministrija
Polska, Zgierz, Oczyszczalnia Ścieków
Polska, Pilzno, Oczyszczalnia Ścieków
Portugal, Oliveira do Hospital, SONAE – Somit
Portugal, Maia, City Stadium Maia
Portugal, Oliveira do Hospital, Habitação Particular
Slovenija, Trzin, KUD Franc Kotar, izdelava tlaka
Slovakia, Bratislava - podlaha v pivnici rodinného domu - Floor in the basement of the family house
Slovakia, Bratislava, Terno Krížna, Oprava podláh v predajni potravín / Floor repair in the grocery store
Slovakia, Bratislava, TERNO - KRAJ Oprava podláh v nákupnom stredisku / Floor repair in shopping mall
United Kingdom, Dumfries, Residential Garage
United Kingdom, Factory Unit



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